Main Point of Contact(Required)Organisation Name(Required)Telephone:(Required)Email Address(Required)Do you recruit People with Lived Experience?(Required)YesNoPlease tell us about your experience of recruiting people with lived experience.(Required)From your perspective – what are the benefits of lived experience recruitment?(Required)Are there any barriers you have faced in recruiting people with lived experience?(Required)NHS England regions have started integrating Lived Experience Charter status into their commissioning process – would your organisation seek Charter status? Please tell us the benefits and potential challenges for your organisation?(Required)How could Charter status support your organisation and partners?(Required)Are there any specific areas you have identified training needs in order to improve recruitment of a representative, open and inclusive workforce, for people with lived experience?(Required)Would your leadership, HR, Communications teams and workforce development support you in applying for Charter status?(Required)YesNoAre you happy for the Lived Experience Charter team to follow up with a meeting with you if required?(Required)YesNoThe Lived Experience Charter has a range of categories for award status. Please can you indicate which category the service you are seeking Charter status comes under below:(Required) Community Services/Children & Young People Secure Estate (CYPSE) Care Experienced Custodial Non-Custodial Mental Health Homelessness Local Authority Multiple Disadvantage Trauma Informed Other If 'Other', please provide details.Please advise, what your Applicant status is:(Required) NHS Trust NHS commissioned services Health and Justice ICS/ICB VCSE Public Sector Employer Education Provider Private Company Local Authority Other If 'Other', please provide details.If you are an integrated service, ICB/ICS, what services are you seeking Charter status for?