Thrive is a hybrid digital solution created by Career Matters. Thrive offers a personal development programme and careers coaching support for children in care, young people leaving care, adults with care experience and/or the criminal justice system. Thrive is an engaging, interactive, online programme and resource that prepares learners for the world of work and provides inspirational opportunities.
The unique Thrive platform also supports professionals and systems to provide a holistic support service that delivers personalised support for people with lived experience to access education, employment, training, career coaching, training, advice, access to networks and better health support, all housed in a central digital hub.
The Thrive online or face to face learning programme led by Career Matters lived experience team, develops skills and competencies through completion of activities and self directed learning which support decision making and knowledge of accessing career pathways.
Young people in care and care leavers face significant barriers to progression. This is due to, lack of stable housing; financial instability; lack of access to mental health support; adverse childhood experiences (ACEs); low self-esteem; exploitation environments adding to criminal records and involvement with the justice system (affecting ability to apply for jobs); minimal or non-existent support networks; loneliness; and social exclusion. A disconnect exists between job opportunities and care leavers ability to access them.
- NEET figures stand at 39% for 19-21-year olds compared to the national average of 11.6%.
- Only 17% gain 5 GCSEs compared to the national average of 60%.
- 6% of 18-21-year olds go to University.
- There is currently no available data about academic levels or pathways of care leavers post 25 years of age.
- 2% of care leavers go into apprenticeships.
- 12% of care leavers whereabouts unknown.
Insight into the care experience…
There is minimal data about the career pathways, academic and professional achievements of care experienced people. Government data shows a snapshot in time regarding care leavers outcomes, critically these statistics are at a time when many care leavers are living independently for the first time, with limited, if any, support networks.
Our consultation and research to date show that many care leavers go on to achieve stability in their lives, build exciting careers, achieve the highest levels of academic qualifications and professional achievements.
Our project supports the Keep on Caring Outcomes – Supporting Young People from Care to Independence (
- Better preparation to live independently.
- Improved access to education, employment, or training.
- Financial Stability.
Thrive will contribute and demonstrate through our strengths-based approach the many success stories and leadership skills of people with care experience. Raising awareness of the challenges facing this group and improving understanding and support available.
Thrive – Benefits to Care Leavers
- Dedicated career coach – Career RoadMap, CV, Interview Skills and ongoing support.
- Mentoring.
- Opportunities to participate in work experience, industry events and employability support.
- Digital Skills and Digital Portfolio of skills, learning and achievements.
- Range of learning resources for all levels of ability.
- Career/Vocational Awareness.
- Self-confidence and a network of support.
- Work Experience/Internships/Apprenticeships across a range of sectors and pathways into apprenticeships with an array of employers.
- Employability.
- Peer Support.
- Independent Living Skills.
*Note – Career Coaching is different to mentoring. A career coach is a qualified and accredited professional who believes in who you are and works with you to achieve your full potential.
Are you a Care Leaver?
Register your interest by getting in touch:
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Career Matters Digital Pledge
- Strengthen the digital offer of support for Children in Care and Care Leavers.
- Widen access to opportunities for career guidance, work experience and apprenticeships.
- Improve preparation and support networks to live independently.
- Ensure access to employment, education, and training.
- Commit to improving safety awareness, including online.
- Connect care leavers with improved access to health and wider support systems.
- Improve financial stability.
- Address social mobility, improve awareness and raise aspirations.
- Support and empower all professionals, education providers and Industry by providing digital resources and engagement.
Commission Our Services
Career Matters has delivered the Thrive programme with Local Authorities, NHS Integrated Care Systems (ICS), Residential Children’s Homes, Supported Accommodation, Housing Providers, Young Offenders Institutions and Prisons.
We welcome conversations about innovation partnerships and commissioning Thrive or Thrive+.
- Thrive is an interactive employability programme developing skills and competences.
- Employer recognised skills and support networks.
- Completing the programme achieves all 8 Gatsby Benchmarks.
- Completing the programme prepares young people and adults to navigate their futures.
- Networks of peer support.
- Referral processes with range of additional support.
- Holistic Assessment of Need.
- Tracking of activity and destinations.
- Data insights.
Are you an Organisation looking to find out more about Thrive?
Find out more or arrange a meeting by getting in touch today.
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Are you an employer looking to find out more about Thrive?
Find out more or arrange a meeting by getting in touch today.
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Are you a Local Authority or Virtual School looking to find out more about Thrive?
Find out more or arrange a meeting by getting in touch today.
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