The Career Matters Team leading the Thrive Action Group are accepting Expressions of interest from organisations interested in collaborating to improve opportunities for children in care, care leavers and adults who are care experienced. Thrive will provide a career exploration, community and safe space for children in and leaving care to access career information, peer support, career coaching and a network of opportunity. The ultimate aim is to support individuals into fulfilling career pathways and to support the organisations who work with them in providing high quality career education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG). For the purposes of the pilot, we are supporting young people and adults between the ages of 16-30 years. To express interest to collaborate, please respond to the questions below:1. Would you like to be involved in the Thrive pilot? What benefits do you feel you will gain from being involved?2. How many young people in your care would you like to benefit from the Pilot?3. Do you have specific groups of young people in mind to be referred to our programme? Please add details….As part of our pilot approach, we would like to work closely with the Local Authority internal teams across Leaving Care, Employment Brokers and other relevant services to ensure we enhance rather than duplicate existing provision. We recognise that it may be beneficial for these departments to have access to the Thrive system and that it may support with tracking, career information, ring fenced job opportunities etc.4. Which departments do you feel need to be involved in the process? Please detail….5. Do you have links to services in your local authority that are web-based that could be added to the Thrive platform to further direct young people and adults to statutory support and entitlements? For example – employment web pages, local offer etc. Please detail…..6. We will be running an independent evaluation of the project which will culminate in an end of pilot report. This will go to all members of the Steering Committee of the project and key statutory authorities including the Department for Education, OFSTED, Educations Select Committee, NHS England, Health Education England, Department of Health, Ministry of Justice, Youth Justice Board and HMPPs. We would like all pilot partners to contribute to this report which will identify outcomes, a new way of working and a Theory of Change. Consent(Required) I agree to being included in the end of pilot report.7. Upon expression of interest forms being received, our team will engage with you and set up an initial planning and project presentation for your team.8. Please advise us below of any specific information that you would like further details on, and we will work to provide you with the details.Local Authority(Required)Main Point of Contact(Required)Role(Required)Telephone:(Required)Email Address(Required)