Ambassadors Board and Care Experienced Advocate

A short personal statement about why you are motivated to be involved and support the organisation’s mission and objectives

I am motivated by the mission of Career Matters to increase social mobility and access to career information for care-experienced young people. Having faced many barriers to social mobility myself, being from a care-experienced and council estate background, I am extremely passionate about improving outcomes for others who have shared similar experiences to me. I also believe strongly that young care-experienced people have a lot to give and are assets to any profession with the right guidance and support, which Career Matters provides.

A short statement about your role with Career Matters

I am very proud to be on the Ambassadors Board to meaningfully support the care-experienced community by developing projects and campaigns aligned with the core values of Career Matters. I'll also help develop the networks available for care-experienced young people, to broaden horizons. I will also represent Career Matters to challenge the assumptions and limitations of the care-experienced community and exemplify what we can bring to the table.

A short biography listing headline experience

I am Lucy Barnes, a Future Pupil Barrister from a care-experienced background. I am also a scholar of Middle Temple Inn which is one of the four legal Inns of Court. I am trained as a trauma-informed lawyer accredited by the Scottish Law Society, believing strongly that trauma-informed law is the way forward for the legal profession. I am also a TEDx Speaker ('the Dreaded Drama Triangle') and professional public speaker, focusing my speaking usually on either psychology or how to overcome obstacles from a disadvantaged background in higher education and the legal profession. I recently appeared on BBC 4 Women's Hour discussing barriers to higher education but also the importance of focusing on young care-experienced people's strengths, as I strongly believe we are assets to any profession.