Careers and Employability Coach

Why you are motivated to be involved and support the organisation’s mission and objectives?

It is an honour and a pleasure to be able to be part of an organisation that does the kind of work that Career Matters does. The drive, the energy and the passion that everyone here has to improve the lives of those with lived experience, is second to none. As someone who has been through the care system and has been adopted. Helping people with lived experience is passion of mine and it drives me to do all that I can to make a difference.

Role at Career Matters

Here at Career Matters I am an Information, Advice, Guidance and Employment Advisor. I am currently giving career advice to some remarkable young people, who are on one of the many incredible programmes that Career Matters run. I give information and guidance around pathways options and help with any other barriers that may hinder them getting into employment.

Headline experience

Supported Employment advisor at Swindon Borough Council. Helping those who face significant challenges, get into education, employment, and training. I have also worked closely with the Fostering Team, Participation Teams and other teams that help people with lived Experience. I have recently joined Swindon’s Fostering Panel, which I take part in every couple of months. Employability Practitioner Apprentice (level 4) due to finish in 2023. Inspirational speaker at our `local Care Achievement Awards’. I have become Systematic Instruction trained, Suicide intervention trained and have completed Mental Health First Aid training too along with gangs, child exploitation and child sexual exploitation.