Organisations Survey

  • Career Matters provides employability training, career readiness and pathways into internships, work experience and apprenticeships.

    Our new interactive digital careers platform provides access to digital skills and connects industry with a career ready, skilled, and employable workforce through virtual and regional events.


    Every year in England 11,000 young adults leave care.

    Experiential data has only been collated by government since 2016 for 17/18-year olds

    NEET figures stand at 39% for 19-20-year olds

    In 2018, 3,090 looked-after children were living independently, government data published in the Children’s Rights Alliance for England report shows. And local authority data shows at least 1,173 spent more than six months living in this way, 19 of these were 14 or 15 –

    A team of specialist coaches support each individual going through our programme with weekly meet ups and dedicated support for our partners and employers.