Care Leaver Registration Step 1 of 8 – Your Details 0% Career Matters is a social enterprise providing digital career support, inspirational education, and employment experiences for care leavers of all ages. A dedicated focus for Career Matters is the care experienced community who have lived in local authority care. A key social business priority is to support this group with opportunities for work, training, and inspirational career opportunities. Virtual Coaching Online learning Industry Experience Apprenticeships/Internships Work Experience Networks And more…. Looking for support and ideas to inspire you? Our new interactive digital careers platform opens up access to digital skills, new networks, industry opportunities, coaching and mentoring. Name* First Last Contact Number*Date of Birth* DD slash MM slash YYYY Address* Nearest City Postcode Where did you hear about Career Matters?*TwitterLinkedInInstagramWebsiteWord of mouthOtherIf you selected other, please tell us moreDo you consider yourself to have a disability?*YesNoNot sureIf you "Yes" or "Not Sure", please tell us if there is anything we can do to support you.Ethnicity*White English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish, White BritishAsian/Asian BritishBlack African/Caribbean/ Black BritishWhite otherMixed multiple ethnic groupOtherPrefer not to say Please identify the qualification levels you have* No formal qualifications Entry level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 GCSE BTEC A’Level BTEC Access Course Degree Masters PHD CV UPLOADMax. file size: 350 MB. If you have a CV you can upload it here and we will provide you feedback to support you in your career search. Type of employment opportunities you are seeking* Part time work Full time Self-employment Setting up a business Internships Traineeship Apprenticeship Degree Apprenticeship Type of education opportunities you are seeking* Sixth Form Further Education College University Apprenticeships Traineeships Internships Which of the following areas do you identify as needing support with?* Virtual Career Coaching Preparation for employment or training Internships Producing a CV Support accessing voluntary opportunities Work Experience Mentoring Apprenticeships Entrepreneurship – setting up your own business Workshops about jobs Confidence building Emotional support Industry Visits/Talks Online Learning Virtual Events Learning to use a computer Improving my computer skills Other types of support If you selected other, please tell us more….Which skills sectors interest you?* Administration Animal Care Beauty and Wellbeing Business and finance Computing, technology and digital Construction and Trades Creative and media Delivery and storage Emergency and uniform services Engineering and maintenance Environment and land Government Services Healthcare Home Services Hospitality and Food Law and legal Managerial Manufacturing Retail and sales Science and research Social Care Sports and leisure Teaching and education Transport Travel and tourism Entrepreneur Undecided on occupation Other, please tell us more… If you selected other, please tell us more How long were you / have you been in care* Less than 3 months Between 3 months and 6 months Between 6 months and 9 months Between 9 months and 1 year Between 1 year and 5 years Between 5 years and 10 years More than 10 years+ What age are you now?* 14-16 17-19 20–21 22–25 26-35 36-50 over 50 If you have left care, do you still receive support from your Local Authority?YesNoNot surePlease provide detailsWhich of the following list of practical support did/do you receive when you were in care? (please tick all that apply).* Help with basic necessities (food, clothing, etc.) Clothing for work (Interview clothes, help with uniform etc.) Counselling Health and Wellbeing Help with documentation (Passport, form filling, driving license) Transport IT Equipment Housing and accommodation Education or Training course Careers information, advice and guidance Professional registration for work e.g. taxi license, CSCS card (construction related qualifications and training) etc. Help applying for apprenticeships. Financial Management budgeting/debt. Information on Apprenticeships/Vocational Training. Other… If you selected other, please tell us moreWhen you were in care did you receive career guidance/coaching? Did it make a difference to your life and circumstance?* It was non-existent It made no difference It made a slightly positive difference It made a positive difference It made a significant difference (please tick the relevant boxes)If you selected other, please tell us moreWhen you left care did you…?* Improve your computer skills Manage your finances better Achieve things you couldn’t do before Read and write better Find and apply for jobs Get a job Get an apprenticeship Need careers information, advice and guidance Feel isolated Does not apply to me. Other… If you selected other, please tell us more On a scale from 1= Not at all important to me; up to 5 = Very important to meBuild your confidence?* 1 2 3 4 5 Become more emotionally secure and stable?* 1 2 3 4 5 Improve your health and wellbeing?* 1 2 3 4 5 Improve your basic skills (e.g. maths, English, computer skills)?* 1 2 3 4 5 Access funding for education and/or training?* 1 2 3 4 5 Become ready for work e.g. equipment, transport etc* 1 2 3 4 5 Search for and getting a job or training opportunity?* 1 2 3 4 5 Find an internship or work experience(or apprenticeship)* 1 2 3 4 5 Get more involved in community activities / volunteering?* 1 2 3 4 5 Please tell us more.. Were you in mainstream education (i.e. regular classrooms) until the end of your secondary schooling?*YesNoNot surePlease tell us moreHaving left school, did you go on to …(please tick all that apply)study at a Further Education College* Yes No study at a University* Yes No join an apprenticeship/traineeship* Yes No get a job* Yes No become unemployed* Yes No Other… Can you give some examples of ways employers could do more to support care leavers?*What do you think the gaps in equality and diversity are for care leavers?*How might they be addressed?What do you think the barriers to employment are for care leavers?*What is being done or could be done to remove them?* Do you regularly use* Select All A Laptop Smartphone Tablet i.e. iPad, Google Nexus 7, Amazon Kindle, Samsung Galaxy, Asus Memo Pad Apps Other OtherWhich social media platforms do you regularly use?* Twitter Facebook Instagram Youtube LinkedIn Please tick the relevant boxesOtherAre you a parent?* Yes No We are planning to open up access for care leavers to a variety of career experiences, opportunities, work experience and access to education and digital skills. Would you like to hear more about our opportunities?* Yes No Are you willing to be part of a case study designed to raise awareness of care leavers/care experienced?* Yes No Consent* I agree to Career Matter’s Privacy Policy, which can be found here.Marketing consent I consent to my details being used for marketing purposes by Project Thrive. We may contact you with our latest news, learning opportunities and careers information.Thank you for making the time to complete this registration and one of the team will be in touch. Your contribution will help improve the provision of services to care leavers. Your response will inform our evidence-base and ensure that we can be responsive to care leavers through our service design and delivery. CAPTCHA