Career Matters is a social enterprise which exists to improve access to education, employment and training for all, and to create positive, meaningful employment pathways.  Working in partnership with education and employers, we create diversity and inclusion programmes backed by progression routes into career sectors.

We are committed to the delivery of high-quality career services through traditional career practice, complemented by our contemporary hybrid models which utilise digital technology to enhance accessibility and to fulfil the demands of skill development for the Future World of Work.


The Future World of Work is changing, and this is creating new challenges for education providers, employers and individuals.  Employers are seeking new ways to reach out across education and diversify their workforce to meet future skill demands. 

As a social enterprise Career Matters is committed to innovation and the design of projects through partnerships to support education and industry to meet the challenges of the Future Workforce.    

We are an organisation committed to developing technology focused on social impact and ethical design (TechforGood, CareerTech, EdTech, VocTech).    

Career Matters has developed a unique new digital platform Thrive to support a variety of communities most removed from traditional pathways into education, employment and training.  Through collaboration with our wide ecosystem of partners, we are able to improve life outcomes and create fulfilling career pathways.        


Our partnerships are built on foundations of trust, shared values, objectives and collective vision.     

Career Matters is uniquely led by, delivered by and for people with lived experience.  Our mission and services are delivered by an experienced and dedicated team, who are committed to improving career provision, social impact and widening access to opportunity.   

Our Advisory Board bring skills, experience and representation across industry, education and health and social care professions. 

Our Ambassadors’ Board supports the team at Career Matters and brings unique perspectives which are representative of the different communities we support.


Our team knows that high quality career coaching and development can significantly improve future opportunities and quality of life for individuals. 

Partnerships with education providers and employers are focussed on supporting individuals to identify their future career goals and to ignite a spark to drive them forward to achieve through education, employment, or training programmes.

The Future World of Work brings challenges, but also opens up exciting opportunities to innovate, create new ways of working and delivery of services.